Tag Archives: what not to flush down the toilet

What Not to Dump in Your Toilet and How it Can Affect Your Septic Tank

The septic tank requires little maintenance, thus it’s often the most neglected part of the home. There’s very little effort involved in keeping it in good condition. However, homeowners need to keep in mind that a septic tank needs to be clog free in order to work properly.

The tank is not a garbage can and should not be considered as such. Flushing down sanitary napkins, diapers, and even toilet paper can stop the tank from working properly. Random items such as cat litter, coffee grounds, and cigarettes butts can also hamper the efficiency of the tank. Anything that’s non-biodegradable can stop the sewer system from functioning well as it should.

Bacteria grow in the tank, and they are responsible for breaking down the solids that make their way into the system. With a tank nearly filled with non-biodegradable materials, the bacteria in the tank will have a difficult time turning the solids into sludge.

What if the item is too small or too trivial to count? Items such as dental floss and cotton buds may not seem like a lot, but if the tank uses a grinder pump, small items can be stuck in the impeller, causing massive pump damage.

Moreover, chemicals from home cleaning products (such as ammonia, bleach, and drain cleaners) also impede the processes of the septic system. These chemicals interfere with the anaerobic bacteria’s job, making waste processing very inefficient. What’s worse is that the chemicals can seep into and contaminate the nearby water system.

There’s a reason why garbage cans are created—they’re for the proper disposal of biodegradable and non-biodegradable items. When the tank breaks down, it will be most costly for the homeowner to have it repaired. Proper care and maintenance of the tank should save owners from the headaches and expenses that a broken down sewer system brings and that’s where Edenflo can help.