Why Choose Hydro-Flushing?

Hydro-Flushing is a tried and true technique in drain line clearance, and it’s the first choice of an Edenflo technician when there’s a problem with your sewer or storm water removal system. It offers many benefits over traditional mechanical means of clog removal.

Hydro-FlushingHydro-Flushing involves introducing water into the pipe at a very high pressure, dislodging both the clog and any accumulated sediment in the line all at once. The result is a drain line that is completely clear of debris, not just the removal of a single clog. Any material that doesn’t flow out to the sewer system is collected by the vacuum in our combo truck and removed that way. You are left with a system that is nearly as clean as it was when you installed it.

Because there’s no mechanical component, there are no errant metal tools involved in the process that can damage your drain system. No surprise repairs.

All Edenflo technicians are trained and experienced in the use of Hydro-Flushing equipment and methods. They can accurately assess the needs of your specific property and drainage system, and set about work in a way that will solve your problem in the shortest time, at the smallest cost.

Hydro-Flushing is a more efficient, effective, and economical way to solve the problems of a clogged sewer or septic line. It’s also useful as a preventive technique. Hydro-Flushing on a regular basis will ensure that your waste and storm water removal system will work as intended for years to come.

For more information about Hydro-Flushing and other services offered by Edenflo, call us at 604-575-1414 or fill out our online request for service.