Tag Archives: Septic Tank Maintenance

Video Camera Line Inspection Service

Video Camera Line Inspection has grown to become a popular and valuable service for those in pump truck services and the plumbing industry. The video camera is a flexible rod that has a high-resolution camera at the end of it where the images are transmitted to a camera operator and recorded for viewing at a later time.

This tool allows technicians to see inside sewer lines and pipes and has many benefits for business owners and homeowners alike. With the video camera, technicians are able to easily locate damage, cracks and other problems in the sewer lines and pipes. Instead of digging up the sewer lines, the video camera allows the property owner to save money and mitigate future emergency maintenance by discovering the problem ahead of time.

Any foreign objects causing a blockage in your lines and pipes are also identifiable with the video camera. A video camera can be used to find valuable belongings such as jewelry that may have accidentally been dropped down a drain.

If you are dealing with problems in your sewer lines and pipes, video cameras are a cost effective method that could potentially save money on repair bills in the future.

How to Identify Septic Issues

septic-tank-buyer-pathThe purpose of the septic tank is to separate liquids from solids and to provide some breakdown of organic matter in the wastewater. However, if proper maintenance is not conducted throughout the life of your septic system, issues can occur that could impact your septic system, yard, home and belongings. Below are some clear identifiers that your septic system may not be functioning optimally:

  • The ground around the septic tank or over the leaching bed may be soggy or spongy to walk on.
  • Toilets, showers and sinks may back up or may take longer than usual to drain.
  • Occasional sewage odours may become noticeable, particularly after a rainfall.
  • Gray or black liquids may be surfacing in your yard or backing up through fixtures into the house.

Edenflo offers preventive maintenance packages that will help you avoid costly repairs that can sometimes affect aging or neglected septic systems. Based on the age of your system and the number of people using the system, we will give you friendly reminders when it’s close to time to clean your system. Call today and ask about our regular maintenance schedules, designed to make your life a little easier!

How Your Septic Tank Works

Your septic tank’s function is essential for processing human waste from your home. Waste flows from the drain pipes in your home into your septic tank. There, the liquid and solid waste are separated. A baffle prevents debris from flowing beyond the septic tank so that the passage of waste to the drain field or “leach” field is uninterrupted.

A septic tank’s size depends on the size of the home and how many people are expected to live in a home of that size. The tank needs to be large enough so that the solid waste has time to separate and sink to the bottom and the liquid has time to drain out into the field.

How your septic system works edenfloThe most important aspect of septic tank maintenance for the homeowner is to not overfill the septic tank with excess waste. Limiting the number of laundry loads per day and the amount of wastewater going down the drain helps prevent overfilling. It is also better not to pour grease down any household drain, and not to let water runoff from rain pool on the drain field, as that will also slow down the tank’s ability to drain.

Your septic tank loses capacity as the amount of solid waste accumulates on the bottom. That’s why septic tank cleaning is necessary. Anywhere in BC, septic tank cleaning can be performed by a pump truck service such as Edenflo. Pump truck services typically include baffle inspections and an evaluation of the performance of your system.

The company that provides your pump truck service should be able to advise you on septic tank preventative maintenance. Companies such as Edenflo also provide hydro flushing of clogged drains in your house as well as hydro excavation of catch basins if you have them and are responsible for them.

What You Need to Know About Septic Tank Maintenance

The actual maintenance of a septic tank system doesn’t involve constant work and isn’t a major chore for a home or business owner. BC septic tank cleaning services perform routine septic tank cleanings and these cleanings need not be a hassle.

If you follow a few basic rules for septic tank maintenance, about all you’ll need to do is have pump truck service perform a septic tank cleaning every one to five years. BC septic tank cleaning services such as Edenflo can do the job easily and quickly.

What do you need to do over the course of the year in terms of preventative maintenance? Most of the rules are very simple. Don’t over-fill the tank with liquid. The standard for most households is not to do more than two loads of laundry each day if you have a conventional washing machine.

Make sure you use toilet tissue that is safe for septic tanks; the same goes for dish and laundry soaps. Disposable feminine hygiene products should not be flushed down the toilet. It is also beneficial to occasionally use live bacteria to treat your septic tank – this can be found at most hardware stores.

Proper maintenance of your septic tank drain field and the area around your septic tank is also important. Don’t pave over the drain field and never park or drive vehicles over your septic tank or drain field. This includes heavy tractors that might be used for yard work.

Don’t plant deep-rooting trees or shrubs near your septic tank and make sure that the tank covers are securely in place and properly seated and closed at all times. Pump truck services generally include cleaning and inspection of the interior baffle that prevents any loose debris from clogging the passage to the drain field. Following these simple rules of preventative maintenance will keep your septic system working.

How Your Septic System Works

Those who have a septic system should have a basic understanding about how it works because this will be helpful when it comes to things like preventative maintenance. There are two main parts that have different jobs to keep everything running efficiently and these include the actual septic tank and the drain field that works with it.

Taking a Look at the Septic TankHow Your Septic System Works with Edenflo
The septic tank is the primary component of your septic system and waste water will leave your home and travel to this tank, according to EdenFlo. Heavy solids will settle to the tank’s bottom and waste water is retained. Sludge is formed from solids that bacteria partially decomposes and you will see things floating and these include light particles and grease which will be on top of the water in the form of scum. Solids and scum are not able to get out of the tank due to outlet and inlet baffles and each baffle may have its own manhole cover. There may be a border in the centre of the septic tank that will divide it into two separate compartments so that sludge cannot get in into the drain field.

Learning More About the Drain Field
This is going to be a pipe that is between the distribution box and the septic tank. The waste water goes into the distribution box and then more pipes come out that are perforated and found within gravel trenches. This is how the water drains from the tank so that it does not get filled constantly and need to be manually drained and the water drains into the soil. The waste water will evaporate once it is in the soil and it is purified so there is no need to worry about microorganisms floating around the yard.

Don’t Delay! Book your Septic System Inspection Today!

Performing routine inspection and maintenance on the home’s septic system is vital. Properly maintaining the entire system will allow the safe disposal of the home’s sewage system. Routine inspection and proper maintenance assures the homeowner of an operational, healthy system for many years to come.

The septic system is a part of the home’s plumbing system that contains three essential fixtures including the tank, the system’s distribution box and the drainage field. All of the liquid waste from the home is moved to the sewage system, and enters the septic tank. As the waste and water begin to accumulate, all of the wastewater will naturally separate into the scum at the top layer, the wastewater in the middle, and the sludge that makes its way to the bottom. The natural bacteria inside the septic tank use the organic matter as its primary source of food. The residual material simply sinks to the bottom to create sludge. The wastewater then makes its way through the distribution box and finally out to the drain field, where it soaks into the ground below.

Critical Routine Inspections
Routine inspections are especially critical to ensure that the drain field is operating properly, and will last for years. Excessive rain and melting snow in the springtime requires an inspection and sometimes pumping of the tank to ensure the entire unit operates properly.

Without a septic system inspection, it is very easy for the drain field to become clogged because the effluent water contains particles that should have been consumed by the bacteria, or fallen to the bottom as sludge.

With proper maintenance, the entire septic system can last for decades. Without it, it can quickly fill up and stop working altogether. Do not delay. It is time to book a septic system inspection today, to ensure the home’s sewer drainage system is functioning properly.

New Video: How Does Your Septic System Work?

Check out our latest video showcasing how your Septic System works, and how through regular maintenance with Edenflo Pump Truck Services, you can avoid damages, and costly repairs. For all of your Septic Tank and System needs, give us a call!

Get Your Septic Tank Inspection before Winter

With proper inspection and cleaning, a septic tank can last as long as 20 years. However, there are times when sludge from the tank accumulates more quickly and needs flushing out so that the tank would work properly.

Although routine maintenance for septic tanks is usually done every three years, homeowners should conduct an annual inspection of their tanks, especially if they have a garbage disposal system in the kitchen. The inspection is done to assess how much waste has accumulated inside the tank.

Regular maintenance of a septic system is less expensive than having it repaired. The grease trap and other tank parts should be inspected and cleaned to prevent septic tank breakdown in the future.

When to Have the Inspection
One of the most important things to remember is not to have the inspection during winter season. The ground is very likely to have become frozen from the cold—this will make digging test holes an impossible task to do.

If you must check on the condition of your system’s catch basin and other parts, do it before winter comes. A licensed septic system investigator should be able to determine if there is a need to flush out or repair the tank.

Flushing out the tank
The sludge sitting inside the tank is made of three different layers. The top layer is mostly oil and other products lighter than water. These float to the top, above the water, which is in the middle. The bottom part is where the decomposed solids are.

The purpose of pumping out the tank is to not only reduce the amount of liquid in the system (which can freeze up during winter), but also to break down the solids at the bottom. Back flushing the tank will break down the solids from the bottom, making the effluent a lot easier to remove.

Residents of Vancouver, Richmond, Delta, Surrey, Langely, New Westminister, Burnaby, Aldergrove and White Rock can call Edenflo for septic system inspection, maintenance, and repairs.

Why Do Septic Tanks Overflow?

Installing a septic tank in your property (if there isn’t a municipal sewer system available in your area) helps in waste water management. Although a septic tank could last for many years, there are times when it begins to malfunction.

Septic Tank and Septic System

One of the most common problems of a septic tank is overflowing. An overfilled tank is not only disgusting; it is also hazardous to health. When the tank overflows, the risk of contaminating drinking water with unprocessed human waste is bigger. This could lead to a number of illnesses that could be prevented if only an efficient septic system was installed.

Too Small a Tank
The size of the septic tank determines how efficient the system will be in processing waste water. For an estimate on how big a tank should be, multiply by 150 gallons the number of individuals in a household. That should be the holding capacity of your septic tank. A small septic tank cannot contain all the wastes and water in a home, so the risk of overflowing is greater.

Sludge Buildup
Septic tanks should be pumped out every three years. If there are more people and if a lot of water is used in the household, then the tank should be cleaned more frequently. Septic tanks spill over when there is too much sludge, water or solids accumulated in the system. To prevent an overrun, have the tank inspected by a licensed septic system investigator to see whether there is a need to repair or pump out the system.

Ground Water
Anaerobic bacteria in the tank break down solid wastes and convert them to sludge. Liquids in the tank go through the drain field and into the soil. When the soil is saturated with water, it becomes inefficient in absorbing the waste water from the tank. The waste water could enter the drinking water system and that could lead to a lot of health problems.

Edenflo specializes in minor plumbing and pump repairs, septic tank inspection and cleaning, and power flushing of storm and sanitary drain lines. Don’t wait for sludge and septic waste to infiltrate your home, ensure you book an annual inspection with Edenflo.

Sewer Line Flushing Keeps the Lines at Home and Your Place of Business Clean

The wastewater and sewage that leaves your home is going to go through the main sewage line. All of the wastewater will go through this line, from the water in the toilet to the water that goes through the washing machine. This is one of the main veins of your home’s system, and that’s why it is very important to make sure that the line is free of clogs and debris. If there were a clog in the sewer line, it would not take very long at all before the sewage started to back up into your home, and no one wants to contemplate that situation.

Sewer Line Flushing for Your Home

Sewer line flushing can make sure that you do not have to go through this type of problem. The flushing of sewer lines will make sure that you do not have any clogs or debris. The powerful jets of water can remove the debris so that everything flows through your sewer line. You should contact the professionals who can take care of this type of problem at the first hint of trouble. In fact, you may want to have an inspection, even if you haven’t noticed any major problems yet. The inspection can ensure that you do not have any nasty surprises waiting for you in your home’s sewer line.

Sewer Line Flushing for the Business

Of course, residential homes are not the only ones that could have trouble with their sewer lines. Businesses may well have a sewer line in need of flushing, as well. If you have a backed up sewer line at work, chances are you will have to close your business until you remedy the situation. This means that you are going to want to have an inspection and receive sewer line flushing to remove any blockages that could be causing an issue with your plumbing.

Do Not Wait

As you can imagine, this is a situation that you want to deal with immediately. The longer you wait, the worse it can become, and that means that repair costs and fixing the damage that it could cause to your home or business would be greater. With the high-powered flushing services for sewer lines available today, the professionals can clean the tank faster and more efficiently than in the past. Do not make the mistake of waiting too long before you have your main sewer line flushed.